Monday, 16 May 2011

Summer......I can finally breathe!

No, I'm not talking about hay fever, I'm talking about finishing school. The culmination of a years worth of designs, drawings and research have finally been handed in and I am free. I haven't posted in a while as architectural projects have consumed me one after the other.

My first free day satisfied two of my most beloved passions, vintage designer furniture and cycling around London. MIDCENTURY.MODERN at the Lords Cricket grounds, designed by Sir Michael Hopkins provided much needed inspiration heading in to the summer. Everything from Eames office furniture to less known Dutch manufacturers such as Tomado. All in all there was some incredible pieces.

The afternoon saw a ride through the master planned splendour of John Nash's Regent Street and Regents park. I took a quick snapshot of myself infront of Denys Lasduns Royal College of Physicians by an original gas lit lampost. I intend on posting a bit more from here on in. 


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